Monday, 18 September 2017

Update 212

NINETY-NINE is making me laugh ... he is constantly fairy trapping that toilet, but I am not seeing who is getting a wet backside.

BERT is keeping himself busy looking after Casper

He gets some potty training done

We get a pop up ... SEVENTY-ONE has passed away.

So Ocean has outlived all of his first batch of children

Then we get another pop up .... Ocean has passed away!
Like he waited for them all to go before he did!!

The animals are not being looked after very well.  I am surprised that they are all still alive!

WHAT THE ..............

Someone comes backing out of the time machine and I am like ... WHAT?!
Where did she come from and more to the point who does she belong to??!!

Johanna is a teenage fairy girl

Hysterically ... I no longer need to wander!!

This is what happens when a BOTT and a sim risky woohoo in the time machine ... which I didn't even see them doing!!

This girl's Mother is Red ... but she has no Father (as such)
On the family tree she is connected to BERT but he is classed as a Family Plumbot.

Johanna >>> BERT >>> BOTT >>> Bayleaf >>> Forrest

BERT and BOTT show as family plumbots ... Bayleaf is her Great Grandfather ... Forrest her Great Great Grandfather.

So technically she is another Leaf ... and she has the eyes to prove it ... lol
I was pretty shocked to see she has Bay and Forrest's green eyes, which in reality shouldn't be possible!!

I found it funny that the first one she went to was BERT

Noooooo!!!  That is seriously wrong!!!!

Technically he is her Dad .... and they have the romantic options available to them (gulp!!)
EA definitely messed this one up!!




Traits = Genius - Snob - Brave - Hopeless Romantic
Favourites = Chinese - Frogs Legs - Spice Brown

Notice BOTTS eyes ... they are her angry slits.

So yeah ... Red has pulled another sly number and now has a fourth romantic attachment ... BERT!!!
Like I said ... I made a HUGE mistake moving Marty out!!

BOTT saw what they were doing ... now she is mad!!

Very mad!!

You deserved that slap!!

Catnip is passing through



Johanna has decided on a LTW ... Perfect Body / Perfect Mind

I spot Marty next door with NINETY-EIGHT - ONE HUNDRED and ONE-O-ONE
I am very surprised that since Marty left there has been total silence - no love letters or date phone calls have come from him and Red has rolled no Marty wishes either.

Why do ghosts need to eat ... it is not like they can die again!!!

Red seems to have remembered she has a maxed science skill and wants to play with it.

Huh!!!  Yes Casper has an IF ... Bobo
I am going to let him keep it and let it out and see what problems it causes, if any.
I have been really annoyed that since ITF the IF's have been broken and no longer work properly, for me anyway.

Seriously these two are getting stupid now and she seriously needs help getting herself romantically attached to a metal robot!!

Carlton is very persistent ... he is phoning NINETY-NINE virtually every day for a date

ONE-O-TWO has got his Social networking skill to level 7

Granite phones her up for a chat

I think Red has lost her mind finally!!!!

I find her over the road rummaging in one of the bins - lol

How she was not seen is beyond me!!
I can see virtually everyone who lives there through the window
She came back with a teddy bear, a pile of scrap and trash.



This is interesting!!!

NINETY-NINE and Marcella have SOMEHOW managed to get themselves romantically attached while I wasn't watching!!

It was probably her doing because if I remember correctly she did keep getting herself into date situations behind Basil's back ... Aniseed and Mace.

So I decided to have a play, and try something out that I have wandered about ....
I sent them off to the hospital together to engineer a baby, not really expecting her to go with NINETY-NINE ... but she did.

Outside the hospital ...




Nickolas and NINETY-SEVEN

Now NINETY-NINE has got himself a little fairy boy


Traits = Loves the Outdoors - Athletic
Favourites = Chinese - Spaghetti with Vegitarian Sauce - Aqua

Lyric didn't get any of Marcella's colouring

I guessed he would be dead cute, having NINETY-NINE and Marcella as parents

NINETY-NINE teaches him to talk

I couldn't take it any more after watching BOTT amd Red having a punch up over BERT, I decided to move BERT out away from Red before she wrecks his and BOTT's relationship completely.

So I have moved BERT, BOTT and Johanna in with Marble and her two children, as the are now living there on their own, since Ocean passed away.

It already feels strange not having BOTT in the house ......

NINETY-NINE is at work, ONE-O-TWO is asleep, so Red is left in charge of two toddlers
This should be fun!!

ONE-O-TWO is stir crazy.
He goes to the festival ground to see what photographs he can take

(I am quietly trying to do the collections inside the photography skill, while he is earning money for his photography career as well as improving his photography skill)

I can see that NINETY-FOUR is now elderly

Marty and Jade

SURPRISINGLY for once both fairies skating are actually skating and not flying round the rink

Playing Grandma!

NINETY-NINE is invited to Raina's party





NINETY-SEVEN, NINETY-ONE and Granite are downstairs


Heath and Pebble

Morgan is now elderly

Seriously Raina must be a popular girl because I have never seen this many guests at a party before!!

I am surprised that Charlie is a mature adult already!

It was like a mad autograph and photograph hunting party

Okay ... so that is cute
Charlie and Raina

Snow comes home just as Raina kicked everyone out ....

She and Charlie have obviously got better things to be doing!!!

Update # 16
Picture count = 1,028 - 76 = 1104
Word count = 16,610 - 991 = 17,601

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