Saturday, 10 August 2019

Back to the Ugli Past ... Update 31

So it has been a while (nearly 10 months) since I last played any of this challenge.
I have had a hellish time in real life during that time and lost a lot of motivation for a lot of things,
especially writing and playing the sims!!

Anyway, I am back to playing I THINK, starting with this challenge, even though I am feeling a little lost and rusty.    I feel like I don't have a clue where I am at with this particular challenge, even after reading it a couple of times, trying to refresh my memory!! 


So, everyone is home at the moment.

The garden is virtually dead, not having any gardeners living in the house,
so Chandra and Mallow are put to work, as they are just standing around doing nothing.

Cello is now only 2 skill levels away from achieving his Lifetime Wish.
He is at level 9 with both Piano and Bass.  Drums and guitar he has maxed.

Teri is having her birthday and becoming elderly!!

I have only been keeping Teri here, since she has completed her LTW,  to stop Cello and Mallow creating any more children, while I concentrate on the resort.

Checking on the resort, I think it is doing well enough to be left ticking over.

Even undecorated it is making a good profit and getting good reviews.

It is now a 4 1/2 star resort ... hopefully it will soon be at 5 stars.

Greg is still a way away from earning $40,000 in profits,
but that will come with time.

I spotted an elderly Alissa at the resort.

Chandra is out on a date with Bernard ... in the cemetery!

Its a shame woohoo locations were not added to the cemetry.  Otherwise, she could have work on her Lifetime Wish, adding another woohoo to her tally.

With the resort doing so well, it is probably time for Teri to move out. 
She has now gone to live in the house opposite, with Denis, Alissa and Reed.

and of course it did not take them very long to jump into the time machine to try and fill the empty space in the house!!

 Benny is doing a simfest, but I don't hang around to see how it went,
as something is happening at home.

A new young adult child has just walked out of the time machine.
Child number 21.


Carissa has inherited both her hair and eye colour from her Grandfather Lyric.
Mallows skin and ears, with Cello's ugly genes in her face.

TRAITS = Handy - Hot Headed - Hopeless Romantic - Athletic - Artistic.

She came out with the Master Magician LTW, which Mathew is already doing.

So I changed her LTW to JACK OF ALL TRADES.
so she has to reach level 5 in 4 different careers. 

She rolled a wish to have a Law Enforcement Career ... so I went with that.
So her first job is in Law Enforcement.

Benny is back from the Simfest.
It does not look like he has won again!!

Another Birthday!!
Benny is becoming a Mature Adult.

Yes he is having a mid-life crisis  .....
well wouldn't you, if you were now older than both of your parents!!!

Hello Mr Ghost gnome!!

Benny is the only one awake at home.
He is now at level 9 with his career, so it will not be long hopefully before he completes his lifetime wish.

Working on improving his Athletic skill, which will help with his works experience.

The profit notification pops up

along with a lot of "wish achieved" noises going off all over the house.
Most of the household have rolled the wish to own a 5 star resort.  Of cause I can not get out of the habbit of locking wishes in.

The resort is now 5 STAR ...... Woohoo!!!!

Greg is now half way with the profit earned.

Talking of Greg ...........

Seriously that is no way to treat your staff!!!!
Acupuncture gone wrong!!

Greg = It was an accident I promise ... I have butter fingers!!

Yeah, Mali is mad!!!!

For Benny and Mathew, it is another day of performing for tips at the resort

All of the maintenance crew I notice are skiving and enjoying themselves in the pool!!

And the heart breaker is here!!!

Corey needs to break up with April, his fourth girlfriend, so he can move onto his fifth.
However April is not at work today, so he has to phone her for a date, to get her here.

I doubt she saw the break up coming because they are best friends, and there relationship good,
and only a few days old.

April  is heartbroken, and Chandra has just arrived at the resort.

Trying to strike another woohoo off the 5 she needs,
she jumps on April, with a plan.  She is yet to woohoo in the hot tub.

However, the woohoo didn't happen, because Chandra had to run off to work!!  Huh!

Mathew is only at level 3 of his career, so he still has a long way to go.
He earned over a $1,000 in tips today though.

Corey needs to find a fifth victim.
As he is already pretty good friends with Mali, one of the resort Maintenance crew,
he tries his luck with her.

Mali was pretty easy and open to all the kissing Corey wants to do.

Girlfriend number Five .... half way!

And why is Mathew's career moving slowly .... because he just can not leave Eliza alone!!!
Every time he is let loose, I find him with her.
He is constantly dragging her away from the reception desk, where she should be working.

Carissa's picture is now on the wall.

As Carissa is doing a rabbit hole job, she can be pretty much left at home, to get on with levelling up her career on free will.

Even if she is doing everything but working on her logic skill which she needs for her job.

Their life is a little amusing ....
music, woohoo, eating and sleeping,
but they appear to be very happy with it!!!

 This is how far away Cello is from Maxing his piano skill.

Edwin is out again.

Corey and Greg are pretty much living the life of Riley!!!
Neither of them have a job, and spend most of their time living a relaxing life at the resort.

Back at home Chandra is being attacked by the bees!
That will teach her to go poking around with the hive on her own.
No doubt she did not smoke the bees before she decided to mess with them!!

After the attack she is sent inside to help her Dad with the garden.

The next day, Mathew who stayed over at the resort is doing pretty much of the same.
It is a wander than anyone checks in and out of this resort with Eliza never being at the reception desk!!

The are a cute couple tho!!
I really need to get them married and moved into together when Mathew has completed his Lifetime Wish!!

This resort is becoming a very busy place!!!

I think Mathew is going to have to use the festival ground or park in future, to do his performing for tips.  He is not getting it done here with Eliza to distract him!!

While Mali is working ......

Corey is working his charm on probably his next victim.

Im an idiot!!
$9,000 profit pop up came and it was collected.
However, it did not register to Greg, because technically he did not collect it!

Mallow collected it, as he was the active sim at the time.
I won't be making that mistake again!!!

On the bright side ... Cello has now maxed his Piano skill,
so he only has the Bass to master to strike off another Lifetime wish completed.


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