Saturday, 15 September 2018

Back to the Ugli Past - Update 17

Setting a hair dye trap on the shower.
A very random act of naughtiness from Mitzi .....

... then off she goes to continue cleaning the house, starting with the toilet.

So I force her to sit down and watch the Cooking Channel, to improve her cooking skill.

Teri is making a start on her cooking skill, as she does not start her job at the Bistro until tomorrow.

We have a mass of FIVE promotions today!!!

Riley is now a Wingman ... Level 6

Darion is now a Fertilizer Analyst ... Level 4

Cello is now a Top Gun ... Level 9

I seriously can not take Cello seriously in that work uniform!!
It is so NOT Cello!!

Nathan is now a Starter ... Level 6

and finally Mallow.
He is now a Lead Guitarist ... Level 8

Mallow who did not get a promotion for ages, then suddenly he gets two in the same amount of days!!

He did not come home after work, I found him playing for tips outside the Theatre.

I was wandering where he had obtained that piano from, because it is not the one from home, which Cello is playing on right now.
It looks like someone has left it there, and it is now for community use.

Mitzi is reading another Cooking Skill book.  I am hoping to give her the Bookworm trait and Culinary Librarian Lifetime Wish when she grows up.  Then I can just fill her inventory with recipe books and leave her to get on with it, along with the housework.

and here he comes!!
Marty Keaton, finally graces us with his presence!!

Marty along with his wife Summer, being the founder generation and the oldest ghosts ... we should not be seeing very often.  The older the graves, the least likely they seem to come out.

Not that I really need to show you his ugly mug ... but here it is!!

Darion cops for Mitz's hair dye trap

He is not happy!!!
Not that I blame him .. yellow so does NOT suit him!!!

Weirdly these two are already best friends!!!

Enough to have Cello dropping the washing to chase him down for ... a hug!!

Darion has come home a little singed.  His garden is more important than getting a shower!!

Both of the teenagers have a B Grade at school.

Riley needs to get his Handy skill up to level 7 for work.

Reed's Imaginary Friend has now been TOTALLY forgotten about!!!  Peanut is just sat in his inventory, and is not even bugging us to come out, because she and Reed are not remotely friends now.

I spot Jeannette with a very large (ready to pop) baby bump!!
Maybe they did not  need my help with the baby making the last time after all!

We have another Artistic painter in the house.

Darion is gardening and suddenly hit with the Positively Orgasmic moodlet, which prompts him to go and search out the person omitting it.

I am howling ... it is a ghost.  Cain!!!

Very confused as to why he might be omitting Positively Orgasmic!!
I very much doubt that Cain maxed his woohoo skill back in the day, as he was a widower and single for most his life, and neither of them are gay.

Which reminds me, Darion acquired a romantic interest at Prom, that has never been seen or thought about since.

Mallow has found the Alchemy station.
I am a little surprised to realise that his Alchemy skill is at level 9 and close to being maxed!!

Cello's Top Gun uniform.
He is no Tom Cruise, is he!!!

I spot Francesco and Kendra over the road ... which reminded me to check the family tree.
Jeannette has had her second baby ... another girl, named Yvette.

With Riley now having level 8 Handy Skill.  We have no need to call in a repair man, for a simple job like a shower fix.

Hugs from Dad .... although he has an ulterior motive!!

... dragging him to the running machine for a work out!

That looks like something a child would paint.

I was just thinking that so far Teri has been pretty good. 
There has not been any signs of her evil trait.

Then she goes and scares Nathan half to death!!

Mallow has just MAXED the Alchemy skill

Nathan has nearly maxed his Athletic skill.  He is only a few levels from becoming a Superstar Athlete too ... so I think he might be the next one to leave us.


Sad when they are ALL asleep together and I am watching the rest of town!!

Amber's ghost is wandering around the streets.

It seems like forever since we saw Aria. 
I wander if she will ever turn her Imaginary Friend real on free will.  She has the potion in her inventory. 
I still feel bad for having to move her out without turning him real, especially as they were romantically attached!!

4am in the morning and Teri is the first awake.  She has nothing better to do, so she pops over to the elixir store to see what potions they have.  (Trying to get stocked up for the supernatural Lifetime Wishes in the future)  However there is no merchant at the elixir register and the store is strangely closed.

The evil side of Teri rears it's ugly head again.  She just randomly marches up to the bot shop merchant and slaps her, without even talking to her!!

Amusingly, that woman is Riley's boss and she keeps sending him love letters and gifts in the mail.  I wander how she is managing to stand there 24/7 being the bot shop merchant, and work at the military base at the same time!?

Eating jelly beans turns her blue.

Blue suits her better than her normal green skin!

Darion's Gardening Skill certificate.

and look what I have just spotted through the window .... the gnomes are breeding!!

Teri's photo joins the rest

This is a sign that Mitzi is at school!!

Cello is praising Riley for something.
Whatever it was, it disturbed him from a work out and had him going to play hopscotch with himself.

Darion has had ANOTHER promotion.  He is flying through his job ... he is getting a promotion every day at the moment.
He is now a Carnivorous Plant Tender ... Level 5, and is now half way to his Lifetime wish.

Checking to see how Cello's One Sim Band Lifetime Wish is going ....

Guitar 10 ✔ .. Piano 7 .. Bass 5 .. Drums 6.
he is getting there slowly.

Darion needs to improve his Handy skill one more level. 
This is the first time he has been behind with his skills.

That poor kid keeps being dragged to the treadmill by everyone!!!
He so obviously is not enjoying it ... he jumps off the treadmill pretty quickly and has not yet managed to get an Athletic skill level from it.

I find Nathan has gone a wandering.
I found him outside the elixir store, tending to the bee's.

We got some honey in the process!!

Summer is here again, and woke Reed up while taking herself for a nap.

Where all Artistic sims hang out.

I can see Genie's ghost is wandering the streets tonight.

Cello has reached the top of his career path.
He is now an Astronaut. and it is all pay rises and anniversaries from now on.

He probably has the best job on this planet right now .. He only has to work one day a week, on Mondays, and his hourly pay isn't bad either!!

Teri has been busy trying to be artistic.

Another day and ANOTHER promotion for Darion!!
He is now an Aquatic Ecosystem Tweaker ... level 6.
If this keeps up he will be leaving us in four days!!

Riley has also had  a promotion ...
He is now a Fighter Pilot ... Level 7

I can see a mass move out coming.  The three boys with rabbit hole jobs are all quickly getting closer to achieving their Lifetime Wishes.

There is a lot of saluting going on in the house now.

Riley berated Darion's ignorance and that is what he got for it ...
A slap!!

Mmmm ... this Saluting seems to becoming contagious.

I have just realised, why all the saluting ...
most of these children have one or two hidden traits ... Rocker and Can Salute.

I forgot that The Rocker hidden trait has run through the Ugli family because of Toby and Rocky who were both Rock Stars.  The Salute is a new one that must come from Cello.

This is Teri

Talking of Rock Stars ... we have another one in the making.

Just two more promotions and Mallow will have achieved his Lifetime Wish!!

Boolprop SimNano
Pictures = 1,057 + 67 = 1124 ✔
Words = 17,074 + 1475 = 18,549
Update = 17

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