Thursday, 9 February 2017

Update 92

THIRTY-ONE has come to visit

These two are pretty inseparable.

Affair casts a Good Luck charm on Red.  He doesn't play with his magic very often.

The twins are having their birthday


He gains the Athletic trait


She gained the Eco Friendly trait

FORTY-EIGHT jumped straight onto the drums and rolled a LTW she wants to be a One Sim Band.

FORTY-SEVEN jumped straight into working out

BOTT for some reason, her quality is not improving, it is stuck on level 6 and it doesn't matter how many tune ups she has, she is not getting better.

Phoenix wants to reverse engineer a nanite ... which he does.
That's it then for the bot building wishes ... it is forgotten again.

Aniseed is next door performing for tips

FORTY-SEVEN has found his magic and playing with it, but not often.

Level 5 woohoo skill for Affair

FORTY-THREE spends most of his time working out

Basil is having a rant about Sunshine and Happiness

The triplets are having their birthday and becoming young adults


She gained the Computer Wizz trait

LTW = Proffessional Author


He gained the Daredevil trait

LTW = International Superspy


He gained the Excitable trait

LTW = Astronaut

There relationship is a little complicated - lol.
TWENTY-THREE shows as THIRTY-EIGHT's half brother ... which they are from their mothers side.  From their Dad side they are actually Uncle and Nephew, because Affair is TWENTY-THREE's half brother.

They now have had an extra room added onto the side of the house.

It's a green house, so they can carry on growning plants through winter time.

TWENTY-THREE is napping on his old bed.

FORTY-THREE has got a job at the Military Fascility.
FORTY-FIVE has a job at the Police Station.

Graduation time for the triplets

FORTY-FOUR didn't even bother to go into the town hall for the graduation ceremony.  She sat outside reading her book!!

She was deemed ... Most likely to write a best selling novel.

FORTY-THREE ... Most likely to be a sports star

FORTY-FIVE ... Most likely to hack the Military Fascility

I'm amused when FORTY-THREE makes use of the abandoned sleeping bag

I think Red has now given up on painting, she spend most of her time now sculpting

FORTY-EIGHT has now found her magic

Aniseed has maxed his science skill ... FORTY-FIVE is at level 9

FORTY-FIVE now has a new trait = Book worm

Phoenix is writing book number 7.
His writing skill is on level 9 - one level away from achieving his LTW

FORTY-THREE is off to to his first day at work

Mango is visiting today

She collects his DNA

They spend virtually all day slow dancing ... which crept their relationship up to best friends again.

Affair's face!!
I thought it might cause trouble between Red and Affair, but it didn't

FORTY-SIX has gained an extra trait from social climbing ... so he now has Hopeless Romantic

I spotted a Magician gnome in Aniseeds inventory

Basil is invited to his Grandmother, Aqua's Party


Basil's Grandparents ... Forrest's parents

When he got back home he went to play on the science machine ... but he wasn't on it for long because Lime tracked him down.

I think Basil is her woohoo toy!!!

After a trip into the past for woohoo, they mess about for a while until Lime vanishes.

NINE is in the sandpit, it seems like ages since he last visited.
Which makes me wander where Forrest is ... we haven't seen him since Bay was here!!

That's a big ghost dog sleeping on the bed!!

FORTY-FOUR is chatting with Bay online.

Red needs to get the triplets ice sculptures done now they are young adults.


Next up is FORTY-THREE

Aniseed has a celebrity opportunity ... attending a book signing

While I'm waiting for Aniseed to come out of the book store .....

THIRTY-FIVE's time has just run out

Affair is having his birthday and becoming a mature adult

He is not having a mid life crisis

I am sick of watching the fairies rolling fairy house related wishes .... so I caved in.
I said I wouldn't use a fairy house ... but I got them one.

Jay was the first one to use it, he went into it to sleep.

While Jay is sleeping .... Red and Affair go into the fairy house to woohoo

it amuses me that none fairies can not go into a fairy house, but they can to woohoo!!

Basil, Jay, Aniseed and Phoenix are all sleeping in the fairy house.

Nice cup cakes .... that mysteriously turn into an apple pie!!!

Aniseed is at the park performing for tips.
He wants to earn $1,000 in tips.

Red went to the grave yard.  Five graves she had to get out, all of which are Rocky's children


6 baby dads
22 of her children + the 2 graves on the garden
2 of her grandchildren

Red wanders over to the park after leaving the grave yard.
Aniseed managed to make his $1,000 in tips

I laugh when I see him appear a magician gnome.

It goes into his inventory - so we now have two of them.

1 comment:

  1. Wow...I just spent the last hour power reading through all the updates I have missed.

    Triplets! Affair really knows how to make the babies fast, lol. I think you will have a time machine child with every dad from here on out when there is room.

    All the kids are coming out good looking, except for 44, she has an unfortunate nose!

    I love that Affair is a witch. They are my favorite occult to play with. I can't wait for sims 4 to add them. We just got vamps not to long ago and although I bought it... I still haven't' played with them. Mostly because I don't want to get distracted from my two current saves.
